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Table 2 Search substrings created for population, interventions, and outcomes (PIO)

From: What evidence exists on the ecological and physical effects of built structures in shallow, tropical coral reefs? A systematic map protocol

PIO criteria


Substring (web of science syntax)



Coral reefs


Substring for coral reefs


Built structure

(artificial* OR gray* OR grey* OR engineer* OR hybrid* OR design* OR construct* OR install* OR built* OR build* OR deploy* OR sink* OR sunk* OR sank* OR modul* OR structur* OR biorock* OR concrete* OR "reef ball*" OR ecoreef* OR "eco reef*" OR "eco-reef*" OR "mars assisted reef restoration*" OR "mineral accretion*" OR tetrapod* OR tetrahedron* OR trapezoid* OR "reef mattress*" OR "reef unit*" OR "reef star*" OR "reef spider*" OR print* OR fabricat* OR rebar* OR artwork* OR sculpt* OR monument* OR decommission* OR ship* OR pipe* OR tire* OR tyre* OR bridge* OR repurpose* OR "re-purpose*" OR eternal* OR "self-healing*" OR "self healing*" OR terracotta* OR clay* OR ceramic* OR tile* OR "human-made*" OR "human made*" OR "man-made*" OR "man made*" OR manmade* OR biomimic* OR mimic* OR "biogenic structure*" OR "biogenic material*" OR limestone* OR boulder* OR rubble* OR cobble* OR rock* OR unconsolidate* OR "natural material*" OR "natural structure*" OR "natural reef*" OR "nature based solution*" OR "nature based strateg*" OR "nature based defen$e*" OR "nature based protection*" OR "nature based coastal" OR "nature based shoreline*" OR "nature based mitigation" OR infrastructure* OR "nature based infrastructure" OR "hybrid infrastructure" OR "hybrid technique*" OR "natural climate solution*" OR "natural infrastructure" OR "eco* engineer*" OR "eco-engineer*" OR ecoengineer* OR "eco* friendly engineering" OR "ecosystem friendly engineering" OR bioengineer* OR "blue engineering" OR "green engineering" OR "building with nature" OR "engineering with nature" OR "working with nature" OR "nature derived solution*" OR "nature based feature*" OR "nature inspired solution*" OR "nature inclusive design*" OR "nature inspired design*" OR "nature derived design*" OR "ecosystem* based adaptation*" OR "ecosystem* based mitigation" OR "disaster risk reduction" OR "coastal defen$e*" OR "blue infrastructure" OR "green infrastructure" OR "ecosystem based disaster risk reduction" OR "hazard* mitigation*" OR "hazard* risk*" OR "coast* protect*" OR "reefense" OR "x-reef*" OR stabili$*)

substring for built structures used for an intervention


Context for intervention

(restor* OR mitig* OR enhanc* OR creat* OR supplement* OR rehabilitat* OR protect* OR "damage reduc*" OR "risk reduc*" OR attenuat* OR "coastal defen$e*" OR stabili$* OR recover* OR resilienc* OR "hazard risk*" OR conserv* OR infrastructure* OR "nature based*" OR engineer* OR recreat* OR touris* OR dredg* OR ground* OR "blast fish*" OR mining*)

Substring for goal (or reason) behind built structure intervention


Ecological outcome

(grow* OR cover* OR communit* OR rich* OR divers* OR surviv* OR settle* OR dens* OR recruit* OR abund* OR size* OR coloniz* OR rugos* OR complexit* OR "surface area*" OR volume* OR connectiv* OR dispers* OR disease* OR mortalit* OR fragment* OR breakage* OR condition* OR bleach* OR succession* OR bioaccumul* OR "bio-accumul*" OR "chemical concentrat*" OR "biological interact*" OR succession* OR competit* OR predat* OR mutual* OR commensal* OR facilitat* OR parasit* OR omniv* OR zooplank* OR herbiv* OR piscivor* OR invasiv* OR invad* OR calcific* OR skelet* OR accret* OR gene OR genes OR genetic* OR corridor* OR distribut* OR composit* OR tissue* OR extens* OR zooxanth* OR symbio* OR microb* OR microorgan* OR "micro organ*" OR physiol* OR respir* OR photosynth* OR photopigm* OR histol* OR metabol* OR friction* OR bathy* OR curv* OR aspect* OR slop* OR fertiliz* OR embryo* OR planulat* OR health* OR diamet* OR "coral watch" OR stabili$* OR struct*)

Substring for ecological outcomes of built structure intervention


Physical outcome

(wave* OR current* OR friction* OR rough* OR flood* OR inundat* OR protect* OR forc* OR eros* OR erod* OR "storm surge*" OR break* OR sediment* OR attenuat* OR energ* OR flux* OR reduc* OR mitig* OR defen* OR tide* OR tidal* OR "sea level*" OR "water level*" OR elevat* OR shoreline* OR scour* OR damp* OR amplif* OR expos* OR circulat* OR fetch* OR buffer* OR stress* OR velocit* OR speed* OR direction* OR magnitud* OR redistribut* OR compact* OR consolid* OR trap* OR retain* OR retent*)

Substring for physical outcomes of built structure intervention

  1. Substrings are in Web of Science syntax