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Table 7 Typology of ecological performance outcomes.

From: What evidence exists on the ecological and physical effects of built structures in shallow, tropical coral reefs? A systematic map protocol





Outcomes focused on characteristics related to bioaccumulation of chemicals in coral

Chemical concentration in coral

Biological interactions

Outcomes focused on characteristics of or changes in biological or species interactions like facilitation, competition, predation

Competition; predation; mutualism; commensalism; facilitation; herbivory; omnivory; zooplanktivory; invasive or non-native species interactions with other organisms; succession


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to calcification of coral

Calcification rate; skeletal structure; skeletal density; accretion


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to the physical condition of coral, including bleaching and disease

Coral condition; fragmentation; breakage; color change; bleaching rate; bleaching frequency or proportion; amount bleached; bleaching prevalence; disease frequency; disease incidence; disease prevalence and occurrence


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to connectivity of coral at any scale (colony, population, system)

Population connectivity; genetic connectivity; metapopulation connectivity; ecosystem connectivity; dispersal; habitat connectivity; habitat corridors


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to cover of coral

Coral cover; percent cover


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to the spatial distribution of coral

Spatial distribution; spatial occurrence; spatial presence / absence


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to community metrics or diversity of coral

Taxa richness; diversity index; species richness; species diversity; taxa composition; community composition


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to genetics of coral

Gene expression; population genetic structure


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to growth of coral

Skeletal growth; tissue growth; linear extension


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to the microbiome associated with coral

Density and characteristics of Symbiodiniaceae and other coral-associated microorganisms (zooxanthellae, other microorganisms in mucus, etc.)


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to mortality (including survival) of coral

Mortality; survival; larval mortality; larval survival


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to physiology of coral

Content in carbohydrates, lipid, protein, or other biomolecule; enzyme activity; histology; metabolism; mucus production; photopigment concentration; photosynthesis efficiency; respirate rates


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to recruitment and settlement of coral

Settlement success; number of recruits; settlement metrics; colonization

Reef structure

Outcomes focused on characteristics related to reef structure formed by coral

Rugosity; structural complexity; surface area; volume; roughness; friction factor; reef height; vertical relief; slope; aspect; bathymetry; curvature


Outcomes focused on characteristics related to reproduction of coral

Fertilization success; embryo development; state of reproductive structure; planulation

Species or population

Outcomes focused on characteristics of species or populations

Abundance; density; size; size structure; size classes; community structure

  1. The ecological outcomes focus on characteristics of coral related to or affected by built structure interventions