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Table 7 Coefficient signs following Randomized LASSO selection for each SPPs

From: Biochar improves the nutrient cycle in sandy-textured soils and increases crop yield: a systematic review


Soil total NPK

Soil mineral nitrogen

Plant nutrient level

N2O emission

NPK availability

Potential CEC

Effective CEC


Mineral N leaching

Study location and Climate










 Annual temperature


 Annual precipitation


Experimental condition

 Experimental design



 Experimental duration







 Biochar application rate








 Biochar with fertilizer


 Fertilizer application rate




 Biochar with manure


 Manure application rate


Biochar properties

 Feedstock types


 Pyrolysis temperature




Soil status

 Soil texture





 Soil pH






 Soil minimum depth


 Soil maximum depth




 Fertilizer before biochar


 Manure before biochar


 Irrigation application


 Tillage application


Publication status and bias

 Publication year






 Square root of effective sample size








  1. The direction of effect: “−” means that the effect of the predictor was negative in all selected models; “ + ” means the predictor was positive in all selected models. The effect direction was consistent in the LASSO analysis; that is, the effect of the predictor was always positive or always negative. To determine the coefficient sign for the selected variables, we employed ordinary least squares (79) regression. However, we could not perform LASSO analyses due to a scarcity of available papers on NUE and mineral N leaching