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Table 3 Strings of search terms

From: The effects of exotic seaweeds on native benthic assemblages: variability between trophic levels and influence of background environmental and biological conditions

Search terms

Exposure 1

Exposure 2



Alga*, macroalga* Seaweed*

Alien*, invasi*, introduced, allochthonous, nonindigenous, non-indigenous, “non native*”, non-native*, exotic*

marine, brackish, estuar*, coastal,shallow, sea*, aquatic, maritime, lagoon*, pelagic, benth*, demersal, shore*, intertidal, subtidal, ocean*, bay, cove,

Impact*, effect*, influence, consequence*, food-web*, “food web*”, ecosystem*, biomass, biodiversity,“biological diversity”, communit*, richness, diversity, abundance, evenness, cover, density, “reproductive capacity”, mortality, growth, assemblage*, producti*, decomposition, “nutrient cycl*”, oxygen, carbon, flux, respiration, “ecosystem matabolism”, “sediment stabilisation”, epiphyte*, “sediment mixing”, resilience, stability, resistance, invasibility,