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Table 3 Parameters and data that will be recorded if provided

From: How effective are created or restored freshwater wetlands for nitrogen and phosphorus removal? A systematic review protocol

Loading characteristics

Wetland characteristics

Climate characteristics

Study design parameters


Type of water

Type of wetland

Annual mean air temperature

Study length

Annual average removal rates (g m-2 y-1)

Concentrations and speciation of N and P at inlet

Length, Width, Depth,

Annual mean water temperature

Sampling frequency

Annual average removal efficiency (% of load)

Annual average inflow loadings


Ice coverage

Flow proportional Sampling (Y/N)

Number of observations (years)

Hydraulic load (m/d)

Hydroperiod (d)

GPS coordinates


Standard deviation

Timing of peak discharge

Dominant plant species and coverage

Climate type1)


Residence time (d)

Sediment/soil type



Land use history and wetland age


O2 concentration and redox potential




Management methods


Main purpose of wetland


Other characteristics2)

  1. 1)According to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification [21]. This data will in most cases not be provided by the primary studies but will be extracted elsewhere.
  2. 2)May include, e.g., specific substrates, soil amendments, configuration of multiple wetlands, or other means of enhancing the outcome.