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Table 3 Coding tool for the systematic map

From: Environmental impacts of farm land abandonment in high altitude/mountain regions: a systematic map of the evidence

Coding variables




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Publication type

e.g. book chapter, journal paper, conference paper, thesis, organisation report

Holding institution

Organisation/body holding access to article

Article access issues

i.e. open access, subscription only

Study year

Time period of experimentation/observation

Study length

Time over which study undertaken

Study timescale

Period between intervention and study

Study description

Brief description of study

Intervention description

Full description of intervention and final state

Intervention time period

Years intervention in place

Comparator description

Full description of comparator

Comparator appropriateness

Brief description of how well matched the comparator is to the intervention population

Comparator type

i.e. spatial, temporal, both


Unit of replication (e.g. patch, farm, landscape)

Spatial scale

i.e. landscape scale, single farm, multiple farm, whole farm, within field

Sources of potential bias

Brief description of potential sources of bias in study results

Methodological detail

Level of methodological detail; low (very little detail, significant information missing), medium (some detail missing but generally sufficient), high (very high level of detail, no obvious information lacking)

Study country/ies


Study region


Mountain descriptor

Quoted description of mountain type, e.g. alpine



Farming system

e.g. organic farming, conventional farming, integrated farming, intensive grassland, extensive grassland, tillage, ploughing, non inversion tillage, minimal tillage

Broad outcome group

i.e. soil, water, natural hazard, ecosystem functioning

Outcome focus

e.g. water chemistry, butterfly

Measured outcome

e.g. total suspended solids, Simpson’s diversity index

Experimental design

i.e. observation, experimentation

Additional details

i.e. multiple outcomes studied, multiple articles of one study, multiple experiments in one article