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Table 5 Definitions of bias mentioned in the narrative synthesis

From: Human well-being impacts of terrestrial protected areas

Recall bias

Imperfect recollection of past events by respondents. Generally worsened by longer periods of recall

Social desirability bias

Tendency to respond to questioning in such as way as to be viewed favourably by others

Questioning bias

Questioner leading respondents to reply to questioning in a certain direction

Neyman bias

Arises from a time lag between exposure and sampling such that undetected drop-out of participants may occur before the study begins.

Attrition bias

A skew in results where participants are lost between measurements at two time points (potentially as a result of the exposure) during the study

Optimism bias

A belief by a respondent that they are less likely to experience a negative event relative to other respondents, or over-optimism on the part of analysts or interviewers, about the effects of a project.

Hypothetical bias

Failure of respondents to consider the true budget constraints in responding to financial questioning

Strategic bias

Tendency for respondents to alter their answers in an attempt to influence an event