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Table 11 The summary effect size LnRR ¯ and [95% CI] based on biomass data for target-protected [TP] and target-not protected [TNP] exploitation categories, weighted by sampling variances

From: Evaluating the biological effectiveness of fully and partially protected marine areas


(a) All MPA case-studies included

(b) Sensitivity analysis; habitat confounded studies excluded


Target - protected

Target - non-protected


Target - protected

Target - non-protected



N = 7

N = 7

N = 4

N = 6

N = 4

N = 2

rho = 0

0.33 [0.05 → 0.61]

0.27 [0.03 → 0.51]


0.35 [0.06 → 0.63]



rho = 0.2

0.30 [0.01 → 0.58]

0.28 [0.03 → 0.52]


0.31 [0.01 → 0.60]



rho = 0.5

0.26 [−0.02 → 0.55]

0.28 [0.04 → 0.52]


0.26 [−0.03 → 0.56]



rho = 0.8

0.24 [−0.06 → 0.53]

0.28 [0.04 → 0.53]


0.24 [−0.06 → 0.53]



rho = 1

0.23 [−0.07 → 0.52]

0.29 [0.04 → 0.53]


0.22 [−0.06 → 0.52]



  1. Results where different correlation coefficients (rho = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1) among individual species responses were used to compute the within-study sampling variance are given on separate rows. The LnRR ¯ and 95% CI are given for analysis using (a) all MPA case-studies, and (b) excluding MPAs with habitat confounded effects. N represents the number of MPAs for each exploitation category. Sample size for non-target species was inadequate for the analysis.