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Table 1 Pilot search results (search conducted on 17.04.2014)

From: Are population abundances and biomasses of soil invertebrates changed by Bt crops compared with conventional crops? A systematic review protocol


Search string

Total records

References papers

Web of knowledge

Topic = (invertebrate* OR mesofauna OR macrofauna OR arthropod* OR “ground-dwelling arthropod*” OR “surface-dwelling” OR microarthropod* OR microfauna* OR nematod* OR springtail* OR collembola* OR protoz* OR earthworm* OR lumbricid* OR enchytraeid* OR oligochaetaOR acar* OR mite*) AND Topic = (cry1* OR cry2* OR cry3* OR “bacillus thuringiensis” OR delta-endotoxin OR Bt) AND Topic = (population* OR abundance OR community OR diversity OR biodiversity OR number* OR biomass OR effect* OR impact*) AND Topic = (field)


16 from 17 (one article is not present in the database)


(TITLE-ABS-KEY(invertebrate* OR mesofauna OR macrofauna OR arthropod* OR “ground-dwelling arthropod*” OR “surface-dwelling” OR microarthropod* OR microfauna* OR nematod* OR springtail* OR collembola* OR protoz* OR earthworm* OR lumbricid* OR enchytraeid* OR oligochaeta OR acar* OR mite*) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(cry1* OR cry2* OR cry3* OR “bacillus thuringiensis” OR delta-endotoxin OR bt) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(population* OR abundance OR community OR diversity OR biodiversity OR number* OR biomass OR effect* OR impact*))


17 from 17


+(invertebrate* mesofaunamacrofauna arthropod* “ground-dwelling arthropod*” “surface-dwelling” microarthropod* microfauna* nematod* springtail* collembola* protoz* earthworm* lumbricid*enchytraeid*oligochaetaacar* mite*) + (cry1* cry2* cry3* “bacillus thuringiensis” delta-endotoxin Bt) + (population* abundance community diversity biodiversity number* biomass effect* impact*)


12 from 17 (5 articles are not present in the database)

  1. The asterisk (*) is a search query wildcard representing any group of characters, including no character.