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Table 1 Pilot search results (searches conducted 29.04.2014)

From: Are soil microbial endpoints changed by Bt crops compared with conventional crops? A systematic review protocol


Search string

Total records

Reference papers

Web of knowledge

Topic = (soil* OR field* OR rhizo* OR meso* OR micro* or glass* or lab*) AND Topic = (microorg* OR microb* OR bacteri* OR fung* OR minera*) AND Topic = (cry1* OR cry2* OR cry3* OR thuringiensis OR bt OR endotoxin) AND Topic = (population* OR biomass OR communit* OR diversity OR respira* OR enzyme* OR decomposition OR biogeochem* OR nitrogen OR immobili* OR coloni* OR abundance OR richness) AND Topic = (transgen* OR maize OR corn OR Zea OR cotton OR rice OR soybean OR eggplant OR potato OR poplar)


18 from 19


TITLE-ABS-KEY(soil* OR field* OR rhizo* OR meso* OR micro* or glass* or lab*) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(microorg* OR microb* OR bacteri* OR fung* OR minera*) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(cry1* OR cry2* OR cry3* OR thuringiensis OR bt OR endotoxin) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(population* OR biomass OR communit* OR diversity OR respira* OR enzyme* OR decomposition OR biogeochem* OR nitrogen OR immobili* OR coloni* OR abundance OR richness) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(transgen* OR maize OR corn OR Zea OR cotton OR rice OR soybean OR eggplant OR potato OR poplar)


19 from 19

CAB abstracts

Topic = (soil* OR field* OR rhizo* OR meso* OR micro* or glass* or lab*) AND Topic = (microorg* OR microb* OR bacteri* OR fung* OR minera* AND Topic = (cry1* OR cry2* OR cry3* OR thuringiensis OR bt OR endotoxin) AND Topic = (population* OR biomass OR communit* OR diversity OR respira* OR enzyme* OR decomposition OR biogeochem* OR nitrogen OR immobili* OR coloni* OR abundance OR richness) AND Topic = (transgen* OR maize OR corn OR Zea OR cotton OR rice OR soybean OR eggplant OR potato OR poplar)


17 from 19 (2 articles are not present in the database)