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Table 3 Final categories of search terms, phrases and strings that evolved from initial scoping

From: To what extent does the presence of forests and trees contribute to food production in humid and dry forest landscapes?: a systematic review protocol

Main terms

Expanded terms

1. Forest and trees

*forest* OR tree* OR "humid forest*" OR "dry forest*" OR "tropical forest*" OR agroforest* OR "agro-forest*" OR "primary *forest*" OR "secondary *forest*" OR "forest fragment*" OR "degrad* *forest*" OR planted forest*

2. Ecosystem services

ecosystem service* OR "ecosystem service*" OR "ecosystem function*" OR "ecolog* service*" OR "environment* service*" OR "support* service*" OR "nature* service*" OR "regulat* service*" OR "natur* capital" OR "ecosystem dis-service*" OR "ecosystem disservice*"


pollinat* OR "animal pollinat*" OR "insect pollinat*" OR "bee pollinat*" OR "wild pollinat*" OR "honey bee*" NOT "wind pollinat*" OR "pollinat* service*"


Soil* OR "soil regulat*" OR "soil enhanc*" OR "soil protect*" OR "soil fertility" OR "soil quality" OR "soil nutrient*" OR "soil stabiliz*" OR "plant nutri*" OR "nutrient cycling" OR decompos* OR "nitrogen cycling" OR "nitrogen fix*" OR "nitrogen captur*" OR "atmosphere* nitrogen fix*" OR "atmosphere* N* fix*" OR "atmosphere* nitrogen captur*" OR "atmosphere* N* captur*" OR erosion control OR "erosion control" OR "water retention"


Pest* OR "Crop pest*" OR "pest control" OR "insect pest*" OR "natural enem*" OR "biological control" OR biodiversity OR bio-diversity


"Climate control" OR "climate regulat*" OR microclimate* OR "climate stabili*" OR "microclimate regulat*"

3. Farming systems

farm* OR agricultur* OR "farm* system*" OR "food produc*" OR "food produc* system*" OR "low input* agricultur*" OR "low input* farm*" OR "low extern* input*" OR "organic farm*" OR "organic agricultur*" OR "biolog* farm*" OR "biolog* agricultur*" OR "biodynamic farm*" OR "bio-dynamic farm*" OR "biodynamic agricultur*" OR "bio-dynamic agriculture*" OR agroforest* OR "agro-forest*" OR "evergreen agricultur*" OR "evergreen farm*" OR "swidden system*" OR "swidden agricultur*" OR "swidden farm*" OR "shifting cultivation" OR "slash and burn" OR "forest* fallow*" OR "permanent fallow*" OR livestock* OR "livestock produc*" OR "crop-livestock system*" OR "crop-livestock farm*" OR "crop-livestock integrat*" OR "silvi-pastoral system*" OR "silvi-pastoral farm*" OR "conserv* agricultur*" OR smallholder produc* OR smallholder agricultur* OR smallholder farm*

4. Food production

Yield* OR "crop yield*" OR "crop produc*" OR "livestock produc*" OR "animal produc*" OR "agricultur* produc*" OR "food produc*" OR "plant produc*" OR "biomass produc*" OR "agricultur* yield*" OR "farm yield*" OR "sustain* yield" OR "sustain* produc*" OR "resource* manag*" OR "natur* resource* manag*" OR "food *security" OR "food system*"