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Table 3 Variables assessed and criteria used for critical appraisal of included studies

From: Evaluating effects of land management on greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances in boreo-temperate lowland peatland systems


Low Susceptibility to Bias

High Susceptibility to Bias

Study design

Study season, length

Long (>3 months) study period, multiple seasons

Short (<3 months) study period, winter measurement

Intervention timescale

Long-term intervention maintained for multiple years

Intervention in place for <2 years

Replication, randomisation

Replication at level of intervention, large sample size (>3), some degree of randomisation in sample selection

Pseudoreplicated, low sample size (<3), no randomisation

Control matching

Control and treatment/exposure samples well-matched (i.e. close in proximity but low chance of spillover effects)

No evidence of matching, potentially influential differences between treatment and control

Clarity and detail of methods

General study design very clear and repeatable

Some missing information

Specific methodology

Eddy covariance measurement details

Full description of methodology, accounting for wind direction/speed

Some missing methodological detail, no accounting for wind direction/speed

Flux chamber measurement details

Full description of methodology, measurement disturbance mitigation measures

Some missing methodological detail, no mitigation for measurement disturbance

Soil porewater/air measurement details

Full description of methodology, representative sampling

Some missing methodological detail, sampling unlikely to be representative of variability in environment

Surface water measurement details

Full description of methodology, representative sampling

Some missing methodological detail, sampling unlikely to be representative of variability in environment


Potential measurement bias

Measurement bias unlikely or evidently not present

Bias likely as a result of methodology

Presence of confounders

No obvious confounders stated or evident, or stated but adequately accounted for

Confounders stated and unaccounted for or likely to be present

Unclear classification given to any study where substantial details within the methods are either unclear of missing.