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Table 3 Data extraction and coding schema

From: A systematic mapping protocol: what are the impacts of different upstream business models in the agriculture and forestry sector on sustainable development in tropical developing countries?


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Name and location

Volume, issue, page number


Publication type

e.g. peer-reviewed journal article, non peer-reviewed journal article, conference paper, working paper, thesis, book, book chapter

Study year(s)


Study length

Number of days/weeks/months/years

Study country


Study design

Experimental, quasi-experimental, observational

Data type

Quantitative, qualitative

Data sources

Primary, secondary

Research methods

e.g. household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, participatory research methods, biodiversity assessment, land use change analysis, value chain analysis

Type of intervention(s) assessed

e.g. outgrower, tenant farming, farmer-owned business, joint venture, management contract, plantation, other (specify)

Number of interventions assessed


Type of investor

Private, public, public-private partnership, both

Origin of investor

Domestic, foreign, domestic-foreign joint venture, both

Unit of analysis

e.g. Individual, household, village, landscape, protected area, district, country

Sample size

For each unit of analysis, list sample size

Type of local social outcomes assessed

e.g. none, equity, household income, conflict, vulnerability, resilience, food security, energy security, access to infrastructure, land tenure security

Type of economic outcomes assessed

e.g. none, profitability, productivity, balance of payments, public revenues

Type of environmental outcomes assessed

e.g. none,, (agro-)biodiversity, forest cover, pollution, water quality/quantity, greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, biomass

Trade-offs between outcomes assessed

Yes, no

Types of stakeholders

e.g. employees, migrants, women, included smallholders, ethnic minorities, host communities, society

Influence of external intervention

e.g. none, voluntary certification scheme, government program, government regulation, trade standard

Type of contextual analysis

e.g. none, legal, institutional, geographic, socio-cultural, economic

Linkages between intervention, outcomes, and context explored empirically

Yes, no

Outcome determinants assessed

Yes, no

Type of comparator

e.g. none, temporal, other business models, without intervention, control groups

Validity assessment

None, internal, external, both

Intervention sampling strategy

e.g. None specified, random, stratified, systematic, cluster, convenience, purposive, snow-ball

Population sampling strategy

e.g. None specified, random, stratified, systematic, cluster, convenience, purposive, snow-ball

Ex ante identification of relevant stakeholder groups/ population sub-groups for impact assessment

Yes (and all captured separately in research), yes (but only select groups researched), no, not specified

Additional remarks

Any additional notes on the paper (e.g. potential biases)