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Table 3 Criteria for critical appraisal and data extraction from studies selected after full text screening

From: Comparative effectiveness of silvicultural interventions for increasing timber production and sustaining conservation values in natural tropical production forests. A systematic review protocol

Main sections

Criteria for critical appraisal

Data extracted

Description of the study site


Latitude and longitude of sites


Data on climate, topography, geology and soils


Population size, main cities, main economic activities



Type of forest indicated from which a standard list can be compiled for ease of comparison


Basal area, timber volume before logging, biomass, number of trees, and other inventory metrics (to be developed iteratively)


Clear and repeatable methodology

Number of plots, treatments, blocks, replications (see also below)


Adequate description of silvicultural treatments

Logging intensity (m3/ha, basal area removed, number of trees removed, biomass removed)


Replication - at least 3 plots or treatments

Number of plots/treatment


Outcome measured after intervention

Number of years after silvicultural intervention


Spatial autocorrelation between transects



Validity or reliability of data

Data for mean and SD


Size of the sample


Randomized sample



Variables measured allow the effect of the intervention to be assessed


% recovery of timber volume


% recovery of biomass


Biodiversity (floristic, faunistic, indicators)


Other quantification or indicators of ecosystem services


Measures of socio-economic outcome (including poverty, human health & well-being, livelihoods, social capital, social welfare, empowerment, equity, based on Pullin et al. (2013) [14])


Type of models (matrix, individual based)