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Table 1 List and description of meta-data variables extracted during coding

From: What are the effects of agricultural management on soil organic carbon in boreo-temperate systems?




Source article title


Source article authors


Source article journal


Source article publication year


Source publication volume

Page start–page end

Source publication pages (start page to end page)

Author E-mail

Source article corresponding author contact email address

Study country

Country in which study was undertaken

Location site/name

Name or location of study site


Latitude cited within article (converted to decimal degrees)


Longitude cited within article (converted to decimal degrees)

Köppen climate zone

Stated climate zone (according to [39]) or established from latitude and longitude using Köppen Climate Zone GIS layer

Reference to Previous articles

Stated reference to previously published work regarding experimental design: likely source of missing information

Study ID

Reviewer-assigned study identification code

Soil texture, % Clay

Stated soil clay content (per cent) or stated soil type

Soil Texture, % Silt

Stated soil silt content (per cent)

Soil texture, % sand

Stated soil sand content (per cent)

Intervention, start

Intervention start date (year)

Intervention, end

Intervention end date (year) or soil sampling date (year)

Duration of intervention, years

Time period intervention was in place before sampling (years)


Intervention category (see Coding Framework for details of included sub-categories) (crop rotation/fertiliser/amendments/catch crop/tillage/multiple/farming system)

Number of treatments

Total number of treatment and control groups

Which treatments

Stated treatment groups (either by intervention group when factorial designs or stated individual intervention combinations)


Crop type (annual, perennial, single crop, double crop)

Study Design

Design of the comparison within the study (Before-after/comparator-intervention/before-after-comparator-intervention)

Comparator type

Stated comparator

Experimental design

Stated design of the experiment (Randomised complete block/split-plot/time series/etc.)

Level of replication

Level at which true replication was undertaken

Dimension of plots

Plot (subplot) dimensions (metres or hectares)

Number of spatial replicates

Number of true spatial replicates per treatment group

Temporal replicates

Number of temporal replicates (repeated measures)

Sampling precision

Number and type of pseudoreplicates (within true replicate sampling)

Soil sampling depth

Soil sampling depth categories for which data are provided independently

C measurement method

Carbon quantification method


Type of outcome measured (SOC/TOC/SOM/TC/OC)


Units of measurement

Data location

Location of relevant outcome data within the article

Bulk density

Presence of bulk density measurements (Measured/Calculated/Not Present)

Variance presented

Presence and location of variance relating to true replication (standard deviation, standard error or confidence interval). Description of ‘next best variance’ if no true replicate variance reported