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Table 3 Data extraction table

From: The effectiveness of non-native fish eradication techniques in freshwater ecosystems: a systematic review protocol

Main category



Article metadata

Study ID

Unique code given to each study (i.e., linked articles given same code)


Paper ID

Unique code given to each manuscript



Name of authors


Email address

All email address of main contact


Publication year

Year of manuscript publication



Article title



Full reference (as extracted from relevant database)


Publication type

Publication format (e.g., book chapter, journal paper, conference paper, thesis, organisation report)



Article abstract or summary (if provided)



Publication keywords


Author affiliation type

Author affiliation (e.g., academic institution, government, consulting, NGO)




Article access notes

Any issues associated with accessing the full article (e.g., were the authors contacted?)



Article format e.g., PDF, Microsoft Word file, HTML

Location metadata

Study country

Country(ies) in which study undertaken


Study region

Region(s) in which study undertaken


Study type

Lab or field-based


Study design



Study waterbody

Name of waterbodies included in study






Location metadata

UTM zone


UTM coordinates


Waterbody metadata

Waterbody type

Lake, river, reservoir, pond etc.


Waterbody area

Record how it is reported in the article, including units


Average depth






Retention time


Secchi depth


Wetted width


Stream order


Stream type

E.g., permanent, intermittent






Water clarity/colour






Water temperature


Canopy cover (%)


Slope (%)


Substrate composition

E.g., silt, sand, gravel, cobble, rubble, bedrock


Vectors for introduction

If discussed in article


Open or closed system


Manmade or natural system


Waterbody accessibility

Easy (e.g., canal in city), moderate (e.g., river in national park), difficult (e.g., high alpine lake)


History of biomanipulation?


Extent population is established

If discussed in article

Target species metadata

Fish species name


Fish species scientific name


Migratory or non-migratory


Life history strategy

E.g., anadromous, semelparous, iteroparous


Target age class


Habitat preferences


Age at maturity




Relative abundance of target species (pre-intervention)

Change in abundance of target species, before intervention (e.g., CPUE)




DO range


Depth range


Body size


Habitat use


Intervention metadata

Date: project start



Date: project end



Study length

Duration of study


Study timescale

Period between intervention and study



Was there any pre-monitoring that occurred? If yes, describe



Was there any post-monitoring that occurred? If yes, describe


Study seasonality

What season did the study take place? Describe all if occurred over many seasons


Study description

Brief description of study


Eradication method type

Mechanical, chemical, biological, environmental, other


Eradication method details

Mechanical method type, type of chemical used, name of introduced biological control etc.

Intervention metadata

Eradication effort

Will vary depending on method used (e.g., electrofishing time, fishing time, area treated)


Number of fish removed

Report the total number of fish removed. Can separate number of fish removed live versus dead, depending on eradication method type


Methodological detail

Level of methodological detail; low (very little detail, significant information missing), medium (some detail missing but generally sufficient), high (very high level of detail, no obvious information lacking)


Methodology notes

Brief description (summary or quotation) of study methodology


Intervention type rationale

How/why were the intervention types selected?


Experimental design

i.e., observation, experimentation, modeled


Study cost

If discussed in article



Number of replicates, if applicable



Presence of randomization, if applicable


Sources of potential bias

Description of other potential sources of bias

Outcome metadata

Relative abundance of target species (post-intervention), over time

Change in abundance of target species, after intervention (e.g., CPUE), over time. Report the duration that the abundance was monitored for (e.g., 1 week post intervention, 6 months, 1 year etc.)


Eradication probability

If discussed in article


Change in species composition

If discussed in article, the change in species composition in the waterbody


Change in biomass of target species


Change in size of target species

If discussed in article, the change in target species size over time, after eradication efforts (e.g., total length, mass, proportion of catch within a specific size range)


Statistical results of effectiveness measure

Was the effectiveness assessed statistically? If yes, report

Social factors metadata

Social risk factors

Did project consultation occur for this project? (Y/N)


Social risk factors—Details

If yes, describe (e.g., public meetings, media released)

Linked article metadata

Linked study

Paper ID of articles describing results of same study. This is especially important to look at overall success rates for projects that are reported over several different publications


Additional article details

Further description of relationship with other articles