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Table 1 Key informant interviewees’ definitions of the term ‘stakeholder’ with respect to systematic reviews.

From: A framework for stakeholder engagement during systematic reviews and maps in environmental management



“The client. Also experts engaged to do the topic synthesis.”

Novice reviewer

“People who are either affected by the issue or those who may be able to influence the issue: includes local people (e.g. producers), NGOs and governments”

Experienced reviewer

“Anyone with an interest in a particular issue or anyone likely to be affected by an issue or a decision: includes poor people and researchers, research experts (systematic review methodology experts).”

Experienced reviewer

“People that have an interest in the subject matter: includes researchers and experts. Those generating evidence and the end-users of evidence. Also includes subjects of conservation and development projects.”

Experienced reviewer

“A person or representative of an organisation that is affected by an activity that is being reviewed in one way or another: includes scientists.”

Expert reviewer

“Those who have a stake in the question, e.g. policy - makers, academics, educators, NGOs.”

Expert reviewer

“Someone who has a stake in the findingsthe issues have real meaning in their lives; someone affected by the review findings.”

Expert reviewer

“Those in one way or another that use the information from a systematic review: mainly those in decision making (e.g. ministries, agencieson all levels, local, national and international), includes scientists.”

Expert reviewer