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Fig. 2 | Environmental Evidence

Fig. 2

From: Evidence maps and evidence gaps: evidence review mapping as a method for collating and appraising evidence reviews to inform research and policy

Fig. 2

(Example adapted from Woodcock et al. [12])

Schematic illustrating the process of constructing the framework for an evidence review map. Example evidence review map explores the effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) for biodiversity conservation. Key components of the overall question are identified in the left panel (e.g. population: regional and taxonomic focus, intervention: aspects of MPA design considered, outcome: outcome metrics used to assess MPA effectiveness). In the panel on the right, these components are combined to construct the framework for the evidence review map consisting of broad (dark grey boxes) and specific (light grey boxes) questions. White boxes indicate questions that are not applicable, e.g. global/temperate question combinations. Abbreviations in headings refer to: Taxa—Invert invertebrates, MPA Char MPA characteristics, outcome measures—Abund abundance

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