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Fig. 3 | Environmental Evidence

Fig. 3

From: Evidence maps and evidence gaps: evidence review mapping as a method for collating and appraising evidence reviews to inform research and policy

Fig. 3

(Example adapted from Woodcock et al. [12])

Example a meta-analytical and b narrative evidence review map illustrating the marine protected area review landscape. The matrix should be read using combinations from the top and left headings to form the particular question of interest. Each individual doughnut chart describes the number of reviews addressing a question, and the proportion of reviews that are high (26.5+; black), moderate (13.5–26; grey) and low (≤13; white) scoring. Star symbols represent where one or more reviews have been identified that partially address the particular question. Full details identifying reviews that address a particular question are reported in the supporting tables. Abbreviations in headings refer to: Taxa—Invert invertebrates MPA Char MPA characteristics, outcome measures—Abund abundance, broad focus—BD biodiversity, Fish fisheries

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