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Table 1 Types of health impacts associated with contact with alien plants and animals considered within the remit of this systematic map

From: Evidence for changes in the occurrence, frequency or severity of human health impacts resulting from exposure to alien species in Europe: a systematic map

Type of contact

Example impacts associated with alien plant species

Example impacts associated with alien animal species

Impacts arising from direct contact

Skin blistering resulting from contact with Heracleum mantegazzianum sap

Bites e.g. from Aedes albopictus; stings from Vespa velutina

Impacts arising from indirect contact

Allergic rhinitis resulting from contact with pollen from Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Pseudo allergic reaction to urticating setae produced by Thaumetopoea processionea

Impacts arising from the transmission of pests or pathogens by the alien species


Malaria from introduced mosquito bites; Lyme disease transmitted by ticks spread by Eutamias sibiricus