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Table 1 Proposed search string for the execution of the searches

From: What are the impacts on temperate fish productivity of shoreline works activities? A systematic review protocol


Search string

Population terms

(Aquatic OR Fresh water OR Freshwater OR Stream* OR Creek* OR Water* OR River* OR Lake* OR Reservoir* OR Pond* OR Canal* OR Wetland* OR Channel* OR Beach* OR Nearshore OR Coast* OR Lentic OR Lotic OR Estuar*) AND (Fish*)



Intervention terms (shoreline alteration)

(Restor* OR Rehabilit* OR Offset* OR Transplant* OR Enhanc* OR Excavat* OR Augment* OR Compensat* OR Improv* OR Mitigat* OR Creat* OR Modif* OR Artificial* OR Riffle$ OR Habitat* OR Protect* OR Construct* OR Plan* OR Armor* OR armour* OR Design* OR Sediment* OR Disturb* OR Assess* OR Reduc* OR Remov* OR Qualit* OR Engineer* OR stress* OR expose* OR Infill* OR harden* OR Vegetation Remov* OR Macrophyte Remov* OR Structure$ OR Depth OR Flow OR Barrier OR Embayment OR Impact* OR Habitat* OR Substrate* OR substrata OR substratum OR Develop*) AND (*Shore*)



Outcome terms (productivity and productivity surrogates

(Abundanc* OR Biomass OR Productiv* OR Densit* OR Surviv* OR Rate* OR Hatch* OR Spawn* OR Nest* OR Juvenile* OR Redd$ OR Embryo* OR Egg* OR Roe* OR Fry OR Chang* OR Product*OR Surplus OR Yield OR ICF Or Recruit* OR Size OR Communit* OR Ecosystem* Function* OR Ecosystem$ OR Richness OR Density OR CPUE or BPUE OR Mortality OR Surviv* OR Suitabilit* OR Displace* OR Load* OR Decompos*)

  1. The asterisk is a wildcard and represents any characters (e.g., restor* includes restore, restores, restoring, restoration) while the dollar sign ($) includes zero or one character (e.g., stream$ includes stream and streams). Broad search terms such as “fish”, “aquatic life”, were included in an attempt to capture studies of every relevant species. Fish species will be confined to those described in Koops et al. [3] as effected relevant species considered under the defined commercial recreational and Aboriginal fisheries