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Table 2 Anticipated outcome metrics

From: Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: a systematic map protocol

Type of metric

Climate regulation


Proxy measure

Measurements of organic carbon storage in soil or biomass. Greenhouse gas emissions including CO2, N2O and CH4

Modelled pollination service based on land cover. Proportions of nitrogen fixing crops in the diet of potential pollinators


Stocks of organic carbon in the soil or biomass

Abundance and/or diversity of pollinating insects


Sequestration of organic carbon in the soil or biomass. Emissions of greenhouse gases

Seed set, fruit set of crop plants or wild flowering plants. Either pollination deficit (measured by experimentally enhancing pollination to maximum), or current service delivery measured by experimentally excluding pollinators from flowers, or by extent of outcrossing/gene flow. This is specific to particular crop variety or plant species, and so not scalable to European scale