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Table 3 Proposed search strings

From: Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: a systematic map protocol

EFA feature-impact

Search string

Hedges or wooded strips—climate regulation

(hedge OR hedgerow OR “wooded strip$”) AND

(“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$” OR “carbon content” OR “C content”)

Agroforestry—climate regulation

(agroforestry OR “alley cropping” OR intercropping) AND

(“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$” OR “carbon content” OR “C content”)

Trees in line—climate regulation

(“trees in line$” OR “line$ of trees” OR “tree line$” OR shelterbelt$ OR “tree belt$” OR “tree row$”) AND

(“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$” OR “carbon content” OR “C content”)

Fallow land—climate regulation

(“fallow$” OR “uncropped land$” OR “uncropped field$” OR “set-aside”) AND

(“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$” OR “carbon content” OR “C content”)

Catch crops or green cover—climate regulation

(“catch crop$” OR “green cover” OR “cover crop$”) AND (“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “GHG emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “nitrogen storage” OR “N storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “nitrogen sequestration” OR “N sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$”)

Nitrogen fixing crops—climate regulation

(“nitrogen fixing crop$” OR “N fixing crop$” OR “Medicago sativa” OR “Pisum sativum” OR Vicia OR Trifolium OR “Glycine max”) AND

(“climate regulation” OR “atmospheric regulation” OR (“climate change” NEAR/1 mitigat*) OR “greenhouse gas emission$” OR “GHG emission$” OR “carbon storage” OR “C storage” OR “nitrogen storage” OR “N storage” OR “carbon sequestration” OR “C sequestration” OR “nitrogen sequestration” OR “N sequestration” OR “carbon stock$” OR “C stock$”)

Nitrogen fixing crops—pollination

(“nitrogen fixing crop$” OR “N fixing crop$” OR “Medicago sativa” OR “Pisum sativum” OR Vicia OR Trifolium OR “Glycine max”) AND

(pollinat* OR bee OR bees OR bumblebee$ OR apid* OR butterfl* OR syrphid* OR hoverfl* OR apoidea* OR apocrita OR lepidoptera*)