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Fig. 2 | Environmental Evidence

Fig. 2

From: Absence of evidence for the conservation outcomes of systematic conservation planning around the globe: a systematic map

Fig. 2

A conceptual model for systematic conservation planning (reproduced from the protocol [15]). A range of inputs influence the planning process. Outputs and outcomes can arise throughout the planning process but, for simplicity, we have lumped the main stages during the planning process. Different types of outputs from the planning process will lead to different types of outcomes. However, given the causal chains are not yet well understood, single arrows have been used to indicate the influence of the planning process on the types of potential outputs and outcomes. Outputs are the material or legal products of inputs, such as numbers or total km2 of protected areas or numbers of boats available to patrol for illegal fishing. Outcomes are the observed or assumed effects of outputs, including reduced threat levels and improved state of biodiversity [58]. The feedback arrow from outcomes to inputs indicates the adaptive approach used to modify plans subject to observed outcomes

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