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Table 1 A description of EviAtlas functionality

From: EviAtlas: a tool for visualising evidence synthesis databases




Landing page

Background information about EviAtlas and systematic maps is provided, along with a ‘how to’ guide. Users can learn about evidence synthesis and find references and links to useful guidance material

Learning more about evidence synthesis and visualisations

Data upload

Users can learn about the style of systematic map data by examining the sample data or upload their own dataset for producing interactive and static visualisations

Testing and learning, and production of bespoke, static and interactive visualisations for users’ own evidence syntheses

Evidence atlas

Users can examine the data spatially on a cartographic map based on latitude and longitude data provided, clustering points to various degrees, colouring points by data attributes, and customising what information is displayed in pop-ups, including hyperlinks if present

Producing evidence atlases (cartographic maps of evidence across a systematic review or map)

Map database

Displays the map database as uploaded with customisable visualisation of columns. Users can filter numerical and categorical variables. Users can apply this filtering to the rest of EviAtlas to subset the other visualisations produced across the tool

Examining data and producing easily readable databases of evidence

Descriptive plots

Produces histograms for specified variables, displaying the number of study lines per level of the variable. For example, by year, or by country

Producing histograms and other visualisations of trends across the database, as well as providing customisable template code for users learning the R programming language

Heat map

Cross tabulates two variables to display the number of study lines across all levels of each variable

Producing heat maps that help to identify knowledge gaps and clusters across the database