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Table 3 Categories and subcategories of conservation interventions

From: Social and ecological outcomes of conservation interventions in tropical coastal marine ecosystems: a systematic map protocol

Intervention category

Intervention definition

Intervention subcategory

1. Land/Water Management

Actions directly managing or restoring sites, ecosystems and the wider environment

1a. Site/Area Stewardship

1b. Restoration

1c. Ecosystem & Natural Process Management

2. Species Management

Actions directly managing or restoring specific species or taxonomic groups

2a. Habitat (seagrass, mangroves, coral reef) management

2b. Fisheries management

2c. Species stewardship

2d. Species Reintroduction and Translocation

2e. Ex-Situ Conservation

3. Awareness Raising

Actions making people aware of key issues and/or feeling desired emotions, attitudes, opinion designed lead to behavior change

3a. Outreach & Communications

3b. Protests & Civil Disobedience

3c. Political Lobbying and Campaigning

4. Enforcement & Prosecution

Actions monitoring and enforcing compliance with existing laws and policies (including customary) at all levels to deter threats or compel conservation action

4a. Monitoring/Detection

4b. Criminal Prosecution & Conviction

4c. Non-Criminal Legal Action

4d. Customary law/rule enforcement

5. Livelihood, Economic, and other Incentives

Actions using livelihood, other economic and moral incentives to directly influence attitudes and behaviors

5a. Linked Enterprises & Alternative Livelihoods

5b. Consumer or producer substitution, through technology or product innovation

5c. Corporate practices and engagement

5d. Market-Based Incentives

5e. Direct Economic Incentives

5f. Social and cultural values

5 g. Agency incentives

5 h. Resource use incentives

6. Conservation Designation & Planning

Actions directly protecting sites and/or species

6a. Protected Area Designation &/Or Acquisition

6b. Easements & Resource Rights

6c. Land/Water Use Zoning & Designation; marine spatial planning

6d. Conservation Planning

6e. Community based planning for resource management and conservation

6f. Site Infrastructure

7. Legal & Policy Frameworks

Actions developing and influencing legislation, policies and voluntary standards affecting conservation

7a. Laws, Regulations, & Codes

7b. Policies & Guidelines

7c. De jure property rights

8. Research & Monitoring

Actions collecting data and transforming it into information to support conservation work

8a. Basic Research & Status Monitoring

8b. Evaluation, Effectiveness Measures, & Learning

9. Education & Training

Actions enhancing the knowledge and skills of specific individuals

9a. Formal education

9b. Informal education

9c. Training

10. Institutional/organizational development

Actions creating the formal institutions and organizations needed to support conservation work

10a. Internal Organizational Management & Administration

10b. External Organizational Development & Support

10c. Alliance & Partnership Development

10d. Financing Conservation

  1. Intervention framework adapted from IUCN CMP Actions Classification v2.0 framework