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Table 4 List of exclusion/inclusion criteria at the stage of abstract screening

From: Diversity of antibiotics in hospital and municipal wastewaters and receiving water bodies and removal efficiency by treatment processes: a systematic review protocol

1. What is the type and concentration range of antibiotics in hospital and municipal wastewaters and receiving water bodies?


Type of aqueous solutions such as hospital and urban wastewater, lake, river, ground and surface water resources and drinking and tap water


Is not applicable.


Between concentration of antibiotic members in untreated and treated wastewater and water resources


Type, occurrence and concentration range of antibiotics in hospital and municipal wastewater and water resources

2. What are the comparative efficiencies of various wastewater treatment processes in the removal of antibiotics?


Type of aqueous solution such as; hospital and municipal wastewater, surface or groundwater, tap or drinking water and synthetic solutions


Type of processes used for removal of antibiotics from aqueous solutions (including physicochemical, biological, advanced oxidation)


No treatment and alternative treatment processes for elimination of different antibiotics


Removal efficiencies of the treatment processes and design criteria for the treatment processes