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Table 2 Critical appraisal criteria to assess studies in the full text stage

From: Are small protected habitat patches within boreal production forests effective in conserving species richness, abundance and community composition? A systematic review


Low risk

Medium risk

High risk

Study design

Experimental studies (includes also quasi-experimental studies)

Observational studies

Case studies (descriptive studies)


 Large sample size relative to outcome measure and species in question (high confidence that replication is appropriate and representative)

 Sampling method suitable for the population of interesta

 Randomisation accounting for spatial heterogeneity

Control and intervention areas matched based on their ecological characteristics

 Small to medium sample size relative to outcome measure and species in question (medium level of confidence that replication is appropriate and representative).

 Sampling method suitable for the population of interesta

 Control and intervention areas comparable based on their ecological characteristics

Sampling method not suitable for collecting data on the population of interesta

Accounting for heterogeneity and potential effect modifiers

Potential biologically important effect modifiers that could influence the study findings identified, and data collected on them. The context in which the study took place clear

Potential biologically important effect modifiers that could influence the study findings identified, and considered in relation to the results. The context in which the study took place clear even when there was no direct data

Effect modifiers not identified or considered. The context of the study is unclear

Data analysis methods

Methods appropriateb

Methods appropriateb

Methods not appropriateb

  1. aSuitable sampling method refers to the use of methods that are known to work for the population in question based on published studies, e.g. flying insects are sampled by trapping or fogging, not by cutting branches
  2. bAppropriate methods refer to the use of statistical methods that consider data characteristics such as sample size and distribution. For example, non-parametric statistical tests are used for data that does not follow normal distribution