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Table 4 Data we will extract to allow calculation of effect sizes

From: Management of UK priority invasive alien plants: a systematic review protocol

Data to extract

Description of data

Treatment mean

Mean value for outcome in area/time period subject to management intervention

Control mean

Mean value for outcome in area/time period not subject to management intervention

Treatment standard deviation (SD)

Standard deviation for outcome in area/time period subject to management intervention

Control standard deviation (SD)

Standard deviation value for outcome in area/time period not subject to management intervention

Treatment N

Sample size for outcome in area/time period subject to management intervention

Control N

Sample size in area/time period not subject to management intervention

Treatment standard error (SE)

Standard error for outcome in area/time period subject to management intervention

Control standard error (SE)

Standard error value for outcome in area/time period not subject to management intervention


Units used to measure outcome (e.g.  %, Kg ha−1, or number of stems ha−1)

Least Significant Difference (LSD)

Metric allowing determination of statistical significance of a comparison between treatment mean and control mean

Correlation coefficient (r)

Measure of linear correlation between two variables (Pearson correlation coefficient)

Total N for correlation studies

Total sample size for studies that calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient

Approximate P value

Approximate P value where exact value of P is not given

Exact P value

Exact P value where it is given in the study

Exact Z value

Exact Z value where it is given in the study

Exact F value

Exact F value where it is given in the study. F values will only be taken from non-omnibus tests (i.e. not ANOVA tests) because these allow us to determine pairwise statistical significance