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Table 3 Categories used for coding studies further described by respective type of data

From: Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol


Type of data

Bibliographic information

(a) Author names

(b) Number of authors

(c) Countries and lab of authors

(d) Publication type

(e) Publication source

(f) Publication year

(g) Number of citations

(h) Current impact factor of the journal

Information relating to the inclusion criteria

(a) Population: ecosystem component affected

(b) Population: study location

(c) Exposure: anthropogenic driver(s) studied

(d) Intervention: type of management measures applied/tested

(e) Outcome: type of the nature’s contribution to people affected

(f) Outcome: all other potentially relevant outcomes

Information relating to the study

(a) Study type (e.g., in situ or ex situ study)

(b) Type of data (e.g., primary data or meta-analysis)

(c) Methodology employed (e.g., experimental or observations)

(d) Level of biological organization (e.g., species, community, ecosystem)

(e) Study location (e.g., longitude, latitude, ICES division, marine domain, habitat type)

(f) Type of pressure associated to the anthropogenic drivers (e.g., habitat degradation, seawater warming)

(g) Analyzed impactsa (e.g., changes in distribution, changes in abundance)

(h) Spatiotemporal dimension of the study (yes or no)

(i) Tested responses to drivers (yes or no)

Additional information

(a) Funding

(b) Comments

  1. aThe map team will constitute a list of impacts/effects associated with the direct anthropogenic drivers. Authors will not be contacted in case of missing information