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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Evidence on the impacts of chemicals arising from human activity on tropical reef-building corals; a systematic map




- All tropical reef-building coral species (hermatypic scleractinian species, Millepora species, Heliopora species and Tubipora species) living in the shallow and the mesophotic zones

- Cold-water or deep-water corals

- Ahermatypic corals

- Free-living dinoflagellates (not as symbionts in corals)

- Studies conducted in coral reefs but not about corals (e.g. about coral reef fishes)


- All natural (e.g. nitrate), geogenic (e.g. nickel) and synthetic (e.g. diuron) chemicals coming from human activities

- Studies assessing the impact of human activities (e.g. river discharge, distance to a dump or to an industrial effluent source, tourism) on corals without reference to a chemical

- Studies assessing the impact of chemicals coming from natural sources (e.g. nutrients from guano)

- Studies assessing the impact of organic carbon

- Studies assessing the impact of sedimentation per se or impact of physical disturbances on coral

- Marine debris, macro-plastics


- Studies comparing population exposed to chemicals and population unexposed to chemicals

- Studies comparing population exposed to chemicals and population prior to exposure to chemicals

- Studies comparing population exposed to a range of concentrations/levels of chemicals



- All outcomes related to tropical reef-building corals, from molecular to community level

- Studies reporting evidence of ingestion, concentration or accumulation/uptake of chemicals in the population studied without reporting health consequences

- Studies assessing impacts on coral microbiome/symbionts



All articles written in English or French (in case a title or an abstract could not be found in English or French, it was directly screened on full-text)


Type of document:

Journal article, book chapter, report, conference proceeding, PhD or MSc thesis

Presentation, editorial material, letter or news item, conference or meeting abstract, poster

Type of content:

In-situ or ex-situ studies

Reviews and meta-analyses, modelling studies without experimental data