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Table 1 General search terms (example

From: Does anthropogenic introduction of guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) impact faunal species diversity and abundance in natural aquatic habitats? A systematic review protocol

PICO component

Text search

Intervention 1

(Poecilia or "rainbow fish" or (Girardinus "NEAR/1"(guppii or petersi or poecilioides* or poeciloides)) or Lebistes or lebister or "Libistes poeciloides" or guppy or guppies or molly or mollies or gully or mosquitofish or "mosquito fish" or Haridichtys or "Acanthocephalus guppii" or "Acanthocephalus reticulatus" or Heterandia or millionfish or killifish)

Intervention 2

Aedes or mosquito or ((Aedes or mosquito* or vector) "NEAR/1"(control or management)) or chikungunya or "chikun gunya" or dengue or breakbone or dengue or zika or ((insect or mosquito or disease) "NEAR/1"vector*) or "disease transmission" or "mosquito-borne disease*" or “aquarium dumping"


biodiversity or "biological diversity" or (ecological "NEAR/1"(balance or effect* or system*)) or (species "NEAR/1"(diversity or richness or composition or evenness or abundance)) or ((community or population) "NEAR/1"(structure or abundance)) or (ecological "NEAR/1"(impact or risk*))

  1. The search strings will be adapted to each database using the appropriate subject headings and text strings. The components will be combined by the following Boolean operators (I1 AND I2) OR (I1 AND O)