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Table 2 Coding variables for the climate change competition tree growth systematic map

From: What evidence exists on the effects of competition on trees’ responses to climate change? A systematic map protocol

Coding variables

Information recorded

1. Research characteristics

 Full reference

Author(s), title, date, publisher


Date of publication in years

 Publication type

Name of the scientific journal


Objective of the study


Country(s) name and coordinates


Study species’ scientific name


Type of forest assessed

2. Tree growth model specifications

 Model type

Type of tree growth model applied (linear regression, linear mixed effect model, generalized linear model, Bayesian statistics, correlation methods or not specified)

 Response variable

Measure of tree growth

• Basal area (BA)

• Basal area increment (BAI)

• Ring width (RW)

• Diameter at breast height (DBH)

• Biomass

• Height (H)

• Volume (V)


Precipitation, temperature, other climatic variables

3. Evidence of the competition effect on tree growth under climate change

 Competition index

Type of indices (distant dependent, or distant independent)


Effect of competition on tree growth (free text; extract information for each tree species)

 Management recommendations

Thinning (yes, no or no recommendation)