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Table 2 Definition of terms used throughout the systematic review

From: How do changes in flow magnitude due to hydropower operations affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review




An independent publication (i.e., the primary source of relevant information). Can be from commercially published or grey literature sources. Used throughout the review


A specific hydroelectric facility (i.e., hydro dam) where observations or experiments were conducted and reported in one or more articles. Used throughout the review


An experiment or observation that was undertaken over a specific time period at particular sites reported as separate waterbodies that were not treated as replicates within a single article. Used throughout the review


Individual investigations within a study that differ with respect to ≥ 1 aspect of the study validity criteria (e.g., replication). Used in the review descriptive statistics and narrative review


Situationally defined in text/visual aids (e.g., separate counts of fish life stages) within an independent study. Used in review descriptive statistics and narrative review


(1) A single independent study from a single article; or (2) when a single independent study reported separate relevant comparisons for the same or different species and different: (a) operating conditions (e.g., different flow magnitudes/intensities, operational regime); (b) outcome categories (i.e., biomass or abundance); (c) life stages for the same outcome category (e.g., the abundance of eggs for species X and the abundance of age-0 for species X) but otherwise with the same meta-data; (d) outcome metrics within a particular outcome category (i.e., abundance and density or CPUE; or biomass and yield) but otherwise the same meta-data; (e) sampling methods but otherwise with the same meta-data; (f) years and/or seasons post-treatment within a given outcome category (i.e., if for a given outcome category, multiple after time periods were monitored and reported separately for a CI study design or within-in year variation post-treatment for a BA design), and/or (g) sites downstream of a hydro dam within a single river sampled using a BA design but otherwise the same meta-data. The number of datasets was considered during quantitative analysis