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Table 3 Study bias assessment categories

From: Strategies for managing spring frost risks in orchards: effectiveness and conditionality—a systematic review


Risk of Bias



General Bias

Based on Bilotta et al. [44]

Selection bias (Inadequate randomisation)

No randomisation (site /tree selection based on availability, expert judgement or results)

Randomisation (site /tree selection based on random number generator/tossing a coin)

Performance and detection bias (researcher bias)

No blinding / Blinding broken / insufficient information

Blinding done

Reporting bias (incomplete results (variables))

Not all pre-specified outcomes reported; measurements/methods for some outcomes were not pre-specified; incomplete reporting of one or more outcomes; not reporting on an expected outcome

Study protocol is available and pre-specified outcomes are reported on; study protocol not available but all expected outcomes are reported on

Attrition bias (incomplete results (observations))

Resulting data points lower than expected from the methodology; No reason given for missing data related to outcome; bad imputation

Reported data points correspond to methodology; data omission or imputation well documented and justified

Adapted criteria

External validity


Spatial replication (Experimental units)

2 field (widespread application)

Or 2 rows (row-based installation)

Or 2 trees (targeted application)


Temporal replication

1 frost night (temperature change)

1 year (yield/damage)

Observations (assessment level) per experimental unit

 < 4 trees (widespread or row-based)

 < 4 branches (targeted application)

 > 2 fields

 > 2rows

 > 2 trees

 > 1 frost nights

 > 1 years

 > = 4 trees

 > = 4 branches

Baseline of test and control groups compared

At least one of the following differs or is not described: management (pruning), soil type, topographic position, differences in cultivar and/or rootstock, orchard age

All of the following factors are comparable: management (pruning), soil type, topographic position, differences in cultivar and/or rootstock, orchard age

Location of temperature sensor given

Closest meteorological station > 10 km away; no detail given

Local sensors on field and beside flowers at several tree heights (lower, middle and upper position in tree)

Reporting method

Mean effects per experiment only

Raw data,

Measure of variation