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Table 6 Primary conclusions/observations of relevance to future research

From: Existing evidence related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones: a systematic map



• There is a need for additional studies of P plumes downstream from OWTSs that have been in use for long periods of time

• Such studies provide valuable examples of the development of P plumes over time

• There is a need for additional studies performed in the vadose zone below OWTSs, preferably below facilities that have been in use for long periods of time

• Such studies could contribute to better estimates of the time frame regarding the process of P saturation

• The studies should account for dilution

• Oxalate-extractable iron and aluminium should be measured

• Many studies are not replicated. In future research, study designs should strive for true replication whenever possible

• Unreplicated study designs make research results less valid and less usable; such studies cannot be included in regular meta-analyses

• The reporting quality within the research field is often unsatisfactory. We recommend establishing reporting and study design standards

• This would improve the possibilities of critical evaluation, comparison, and compilation of study results