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Table 11 Typology of economic outcomes.

From: What evidence exists on the performance of nature-based solutions interventions for coastal protection in biogenic, shallow ecosystems? A systematic map protocol





Monetary income from wage labor, direct sale of goods, consumption of goods, or value added from natural resources

Individual or household monetary income from wage labor; individual or household monetary income from direct sale of goods (e.g., those derived from natural resources); individual or household physical income from consumption of natural resource goods; individual, household, or community monetary income from value addition from natural resources, coastal protection, nature-based solutions, and/or entrepreneurship; wages; after-tax income rates; income per unit effort

Livelihoods and employment

Occupation, livelihood, and employment and associated opportunities

Employment; employment opportunities; business ownership; employment rates or levels, employment seasonality; employment satisfaction; unemployment trends; job satisfaction and quality; resource-based livelihoods including extractive and non-extractive; non-resource-based livelihoods; sense of employment security; livelihood diversity

Financial capital

Value of financial assets, including those derived from natural resources or NBS

Credit; savings; debt

Natural capital

Stock of natural assets, including those derived from natural resources or NBS an individual has access rights to

Natural resource assets with access or use; salt and exclusion rights; includes coastal habitats, lands, or landscapes

Physical capital

Stock of material assets, including those derived from natural resources or NBS, that an individual has access rights to

Material assets with access or use, including possessions, real estate

Living standards

Living standards of basic life, including economic and material needs

Wealth distribution; poverty indices like unsatisfied basic needs, multidimensional poverty, income vs. expenditure; inflation; shelter or housing availability

Tourism and recreation

Economic value of tourism and recreation opportunities

Subset of several categories above that identifies economic outcomes directly associated with tourism and recreation