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Table 1 Search substrings (shown as formatted for Web of Science)

From: Effects of public policy interventions for environmentally sustainable food consumption: a systematic map of available evidence


(((food OR meal* OR diet OR eating) NEAR/2 (purchas* OR select* OR choice* OR reduc* OR choose OR decision OR consum* OR intake OR behav* OR habit*)) OR "product select*" OR "food products" OR menu OR "food environment" OR "dietary pattern*" OR catering OR ((beverage* OR grocery OR groceries OR fish OR seafood OR beef OR meat OR dairy OR milk OR vegetable* OR legume* OR “meat alternative” or “organic food” or “local food”) NEAR/2 (consum* OR choice* OR choose OR select* OR market OR demand* OR reduc*)))


(policy OR policies OR legislat* OR law* OR ((label* OR labl* OR certifi*) NEAR/2 (food OR ecol* OR sustainab* OR carbon OR climate)) OR ecolabl* OR ecolabel* OR eco-labl* OR eco-label* OR eco-certif* OR guideline* OR guidance OR incenti* OR intervent* OR nudg* OR subsid OR stimul* OR persua* OR “voluntary agreement*” OR roundtable* OR forc* OR innovat* OR directive* OR regulation OR regulations OR education OR ((plate* or serving-size or "serving size") NEAR/1 ration*) OR ((carbon OR consum* OR output OR environmental) NEAR/2 (tax* OR information OR standard* OR ban* OR prohibit* OR limit* OR sanction*)) OR "green criteria" OR "public procurement" OR "green public procurement")


("climate change" OR "climatic change" OR "global warming" OR "greenhouse gases" OR ghg OR "greenhouse effect" OR "greenhouse gas" OR "carbon emission*" OR "carbon footprint" OR "water footprint" OR “land use” OR “biodiver*loss*” OR ecosystem OR overfishing OR pollution OR "over fishing" OR deforest* OR (reduction* NEAR/2 emission*) OR (environment* NEAR/2 (impact* OR consequence* OR assess* OR evaluat* OR indicator* OR mitigat*)) OR "plant based food" OR "plant-based food" OR “planetary health diet” OR plant-forward OR "pro-environmental" OR "local food" OR "seasonal food" OR "eat less" OR flexitarian OR vegan OR vegetarian OR pescetarian OR "meat reduction" OR "beef reduction" OR (sustainab* NEAR/2 (consum* OR diet* OR food OR fisher*)))